SWSL 2 started with 1 problem. How do we do more with less?
Ravi came to us and said "I want to have a bigger event with more people but unfortunately due to the nature of our company's roadmap, we're gonna have less staff available for this event. How do we do this?"
KLEVR knew the main problem when it came to having a secondary event is helping understand the difference between the first and the second event. The problem was not the speakers, budget, or anything else. It was discovering what new transformations we could take our attendees on.
With 5 months out, we knew that we wanted to keep SWSL as a unique and premiere event in Miami, Florida. Instead of opting for the typical ballroom style event, we knew the main piece of uniqueness from the first event was the parking garage. We knew we had to go with this same unique venue once more.
After securing 1111, we began deciding on our event transformation. Internally at KLEVR, we have a wide variety of experience around offers and transformational mapping. We started by understanding the transformation statement before we started marketing the event.
For SWSL, the mission read "How to add another $1,000,000 to your business in the next 12 months at 50% margins or more with implementable and scalable systems"
By starting with this transformation, it was easy for our attendees to identify their new mission for this event. With this being the case, we could then break down the days of the event, not by their order, but by their hierarchy of stages in the mission.
For this, our stages became Marketing, Sales, Fulfillment, and Empire.
This easily allowed attendees to understand the different days of the event and the reason why they needed to be there.
With only 3.5 months to advertise, we were able to fill up the room with 300 attendees. Learning from our mistake last year, we introduced three walls and pop-up structures to create a VIP lounge that was 4x the size of last year's VIP lounge. Along with 6 testimonial areas so Ravi could extract a significant amount of post-event content.
We also leveraged an on-site production table with mobile uplink servers so that during the downtime of the event, our team could edit photos and videos to have them uploaded on the same day. This allowed Ravi's attendees to upload photos in real-time and Ravi's event staff to promote content at the same time.
With all of that taking place, we were able to sell an additional 20 slots on Day 3 of the event bringing $1,000,000 for SWSL. Making this the 2nd event where we made more than $1,000,000 in a weekend act.
All in all, Ravi was amazed, the attendees were blown away, and were in the process of securing an even bigger and more badass venue for the next SWSL 2023.
Don't worry it's only one kick ass story a week, and the rest is probably cat memes. Plus we won't share your info with anybody else.